This Wintergreen Police Department wellness watch program provides a “daily reassurance” to those in the community who live alone and would appreciate a friendly hello each day.
“When we make these daily calls we’re reassuring our citizens and they are reassuring us,” explains Dennis Russell, Wintergreen’s Chief of Police.
“This telephone check-in program can help those living here be more independent. Those with no one else in their household know they are not alone in our community and this program is one reason why. It is designed to give them, and their family members, friends and neighbors, some peace of mind,” says Russell.
Question: What does signing up for a daily check call cost?
It’s free to Wintergreen property owners living here full time.
Q: Do I have to be a certain age to qualify for a WTG Daily Check or have a specific health condition? Do I have to live alone?
No. This service can be tailored to meet special needs.
Q: Is it confidential?
No one outside of the Wintergreen Police Department has access to the list of those using this service. And they don’t gossip.
Q: How long can I subscribe?
As long as you want. And you can unsubscribe at any time.
Q: What happens if I don’t pick up the phone on a check-in call?
It depends. Each subscriber to this program has an individualized record tailored to their situation. Typically, first, they will call back in a few minutes. If there is no answer at that time, a patrol officer may be dispatched to visit the home. Again, it depends. See the sign-up form for more insights.
Q: What if I’m away traveling?
Simply let the department know your schedule. You can tell them your change of plans by calling the office or simply telling them during a routine morning check-in call.
Q: How do I sign up for a WTG Daily Check?
It’s easy. Call Dennis Russell, Wintergreen’s chief of police at 434-325-8521 or email him at, or use the form below.
Q: I have more questions.
Call Chief Russell and don’t hesitate to speak frankly. He’s happy to answer your questions. 434-325-8521.
Wintergreen Fire and Rescue would like hear from you if you or anyone in your family living at Wintergreen has special health challenges that might require special assistance if all homeowners were asked to evacuate in the case of a wildfire, toxic spill or other extreme emergency.
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Another reason those living at Wintergreen know they are not alone is they are aware that they can always call for help by dialing 911.
Remember calls to 911 made via cell phone here will not be answered by the Wintergreen 911 center. Either Nelson or Augusta County will receive the call. Beginning your conversation with "I'm at Wintergreen" gets the dispatcher moving in the right direction quickly.